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(FOX 10) – It’s a police rescue that has the makings of a Hollywood Movie. A Pelahatchie Police Officer helped save a mom and child.

Kristy Irby and her two-year-old daughter Alley were minutes from drowning on Leesburg Road when a Pelahatchie Police Officer saved their lives.

“A deer had come across right here, and I was going to try to get off the road without hitting another car and we slid and nose dove into about 10 feet of water,” said Irby.

Kristy said  the accident happened Tuesday in the pouring rain, and her main focus was getting her little one  out the car.

“We finally landed against a tree and I wrapped my legs around the tree,” said Irby. “I was trying to pull myself up   and the limbs were breaking and I kept telling Alley God is going to take care of us.”

While the mother and daughter were praying, a passerby saw the accident and called 911.

The Police dispatch then contacted  officer Shane Gibson, who rushed to the accident where he could hear the mom screaming for help.

“It was extremely loud and I can hear a baby crying,” said officer Gibson.

Gibson then jumped in the water to pull the two to safety

“I got a log and got the baby and set her down on the bank,” said Gibson. “And I went back and grabbed the mother and we worked getting out of the creek.”

Gibson said he doesn’t consider himself a hero. The veteran officer said he is just pleased he was able to help save lives.

“When you hear a woman hollering we are rowing, you don’t stand there,” said Gibson. “You just do what you have to do.”