(The Morning Sun) – Jordan Mora and Ben Long don’t think of themselves as heroes.

They just did what needed to be done.

On Tuesday night, Mora, a team leader at CME Mitsuba in Mt. Pleasant and Long, a second shift supervisor, helped another employee after he had a cardiac event.

As the two were wrapping up their tasks for the night, a third shift employee told them there was an emergency.

It was the second time they intervened and potentially saved the life of their friend and co-worker.

Describing themselves as good friends as well as co-workers at the company that makes automotive products, Long and Mora acted quickly when their friend on the assembly line that was making car starters for Honda collapsed during his shift Tuesday.

Mora, a former volunteer firefighter, was first to get to his ill friend’s side and immediately began CPR.

Other CME Mitsuba employees called 911 and got one of the company’s AEDs, which ended up being used three times to bring back the fallen employee.

When Mt. Pleasant firefighters and Mobile Medical Response paramedics arrived, Mora and Long continued to assist, relaying important information to the medical responders.

Instinct kicked in for Mora, Long said, and he did what he knew had to be done, without hesitation or second-guessing.

“People like Jordan are a credit to the company and as cliche as it sounds, humanity itself,” Long said. They’re the ones who make a difference.

“They do it not for the glory but because it’s the right thing to do.”

Mora things the same of Long, who was by his side the first time their friend and co-worker collapsed.