(WTOL) – An off-duty firefighter rescued two people just before their car burst into flames on Monday.

A passerby, Juan Pacheco, captured the scene on video.

“They would’ve burned to death in the vehicle, no question, absolutely,” said Miramar Fire Rescue Captain Bruce Hill. “The vehicle was kind of coming across the median full-speed and went right in front of our vehicle and hit a telephone pole, knocked the telephone poll down.”

Hill was off-duty at the time, but that didn’t stop the 25-year veteran from acting.

“I went into the driver’s side, unbuckled her and pulled her out,” Hill said. “And right as I pulled her out is when the vehicle caught on fire.”

Another deputy from Martin County helped pull a different man out before it was too late.

Hill helped the woman to a stretcher as firefighters and rescue crews arrived on scene. He said he can only guess at what sparked the crash.

“She appeared more like she was having a medical emergency that actually triggered the incident,” Hill said.

He credits the rescue to being at the right place at the right time.

“We never go home that way,” Hill said. “I went there just to get gas.”

He wants to know what happened to the man and woman he helped save.

“I would definitely love to know what the ultimate outcome was, I really hope they didn’t have any long-term injuries from the accident,” he said.

It’s still unclear what condition the woman and are passenger are in.