(12 NEWS) – A Phoenix apartment unit turned into a pile of charred ashes after a fast-moving fire tore through the Monterey Village apartment complex this weekend.

“I heard the windows break, and I thought it was the bar behind there, but looked out the window and saw the fire,” said resident Anita Libett. “It caught the tree on fire.”

 Libett, who lives on the floor below where the fire started, soon saw smoke pouring out of the apartments above her.

“The fire came from the back window, and I went and knocked on the door, but nobody was in there,” she said.

Libett then went to the apartment across from the burning unit to see if the mother and newborn baby who live there were still inside.

“I knocked on the neighbor’s door, and she didn’t answer,” Libett told 12 News.

At that same time, a Phoenix police officer, on his way back from another call, also saw the smoke and jumped into action as the flames began engulfing both top units.

“The officer kicked in the door, and her and her baby were in there asleep,” Libett said.

Firefighters said the officer was able to get the mom and her baby out safely.

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