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– Bremen resident Tara Nelson was pulled over by Bremen Police Officer Keith Streetman on Friday for a routine traffic stop. . .so she thought.

“I was pulled over because my back light was out, I was so scared,” said Nelson. “Officer Streetman approached my window, looked inside the car and immediately acknowledged how cute my kids were.”

Officer Streetman took note that two of Nelson’s five kids were buckled in a seatbelt together.   Officer Streetman is also a Youth Pastor in the City of Bremen and spoke with Nelson about child safety.  “The officer gave me a lot of information about child safety and was concerned about the kids.  He did not want me to drive away with two kids buckled into a seatbelt together.”

Nelson told FOX 5 that Officer Streetman offered to take her and the kids to their local Walmart to buythem a booster seat. Officer Streetman offered to take one of the kids in his patrol car. “My son jumped out of the car and rode with the officer. . .he was so excited.”

To the surprise of Nelson, Officer Streetman bought two booster seats for the family and followed thefamily to their home. “I was shocked and overwhelmed by his generosity! Before Officer Streetman left, he went over to his trunk and pulled out stuffed animals and candy for my kids and a toy car for my son!  He also gave me a pillow that looked like an animal.  It was amazing!”

“All I know is God had us protected and covered! Not all cops are bad cops! Officer Keith Streetman thank you so much for gracing us and being such a BIG blessing to my family physically and spiritually! I am forever grateful!”

The Alpharetta Department of Public Safety will be hosting a child safety seat checkup event on Saturday at Alpharetta’s Fire Station No. 1 located at 2970 Webb Bridge Road.